Apple apologized for a recent ad promoting its new iPad Pro tablet after facing heavy criticism on social media. The ad, posted on X (formerly Twitter) by CEO Tim Cook and also on YouTube, showed creative tools like a guitar, piano, and metronome being crushed by a hydraulic press until they formed an iPad.
Apple's marketing VP, Tor Myhren, told Ad Age that the company's goal was to highlight the creative ways people use the iPad, but they "missed the mark" with this video. Apple also decided not to air the ad on TV.
The ad drew negative media attention, with viewers feeling it was out of touch and offensive to destroy creative instruments in this way.
Critics said the backlash was a sign that Apple was losing favor with its customers, rather than successfully spreading their marketing message. Historically, Apple has worked with the ad agency TBWA\Media Arts Lab but also creates some ads in-house.
Key Points
Apple apologized for a recent iPad Pro ad after social media criticism highlighted the offensive video, showing creative tools being destroyed.
The controversial ad sparked negative media attention, with viewers feeling it portrayed Apple as out of touch due to its depiction of instrument destruction.
Q1. Why did Apple apologize for the recent iPad Pro ad?
Apple apologized because the ad received criticism on social media for showing a hydraulic press crushing creative tools like guitars and a piano, which many viewers found offensive.
Q2. What was shown in the iPad Pro ad that caused backlash?
The ad showed creative tools, including a guitar, piano, and metronome, being crushed by a hydraulic press until they became an iPad.
Q3. Did Apple plan to air the ad on TV?
No, Apple decided not to air the ad on TV after receiving backlash online.