Hello Everyone, I am here just to share another story of our success. One of our old customers named Maria, who lives in Tyler, Texas and has been with Speed Net Internet for over 2.5 years now. Going back to the time he started with us, he was having hard time finding internet services due to his rural location and satellite internet wasn’t helping him to even stream for 5 minutes without buffering. He contacted us and his speed issue was solved, he was able to stream with 15-18mbps down and 5-7mbps up speeds without any buffering as these speeds were good due to his rural location and satellite was giving him up to 5mbps. Moving forward to a month ago. He had his grandkids moving in with him and they do online schooling and gaming as well, for which 15-18mbps is not enough as he and his wife wanted to stream too. He knew that we have been doing 5G services for a while now, but never needed to upgrade as it was just him and his wife. So, he called us to inquire if we do 5G at his location as well and our answer was yes! He wanted the maximum speeds that he can have for his grand kids to school and game. We suggested going with 5G fixed wireless, which is basically an omni directional antenna mounted at or over roof height and a cable from the antenna running inside home to a router. Which he went ahead with and the result is 80-90mbps down and 20-25mbps up. Now, grandkids can happily do online schooling, gaming and grandparents can stream at the same time, no buffering for any of those activities, even if all the activities are done at the same time. And we get the result that we want, which is a happy and satisfied customer!